Wednesday, January 3, 2007

The Movement of the Future

Track of the day: When a Jealous Man Finds a Gun by Enter Shikari. Everytime I listen to these guys, I find myself wishing they had a more prolific discography. There's nothing I've heard from them that I didn't like, and for some reason, this song always catches me. It's a bit irregular, not being the title track from their four song EP, but I think it definitely warrants notice. Admittedly, it sounds a little pop-punkish in parts, though not in a bad way. Not like... Good Charlotte or something. That is intollerable. When I think pop-punk, I think... well, okay, it doesn't sound pop punk, but the main 'riff' is catchy enough to be in a pop-punk song. Don't mean to scare away from this track - it really is amazing. Megaupload link is here.

The label of 'trancecore' as a development from hardcore is genius. As opposed to what might actually be termed 'hardcore trance'... we don't need genres that overlap like this, I don't think. Also, 'core' can be added to any genre now a days. Herein, however, we have 'post trance-core', which I think is one of the better genres out there. I think it needs a re-working though, because the synths that Enter Shikari uses don't really make it a trance feel - I would kill for a post-hardcore band that used their synths in a fashion reminiscient of Dream Theater, Stratovarius, or Warmen. I guess that's why I love HORSE the Band.

Have I not mentioned that I love them? Well, love is really too strong a word, but I'm a big fan. They're one of the only bands I got the discography of, and committed most of it to memory. Only 4 real albums, two of which are EPs, but still... that's something, for me. But for their almost infantile approach to music sometimes, HORSE is pretty much everything I want in a band. I would call them post-hardcore without hesitation - and they have one of the most intoxicating synth sounds ever. Like 8-bit era Nintendo, played by Jordan Rudess. Well, not quite so fluid or liquidy. But it's still really nice. If they had a better mix, and more personable musicians, they would be without a question one of my favorite bands. They have one of the best sounds out there, in my opinion. Anyone wanting to give them a look should check out the album R. Borlax. I think that's the best representation of their material - and it is a classic.

I'm having a hard time not posting Venetian Snares tracks each day. I listen to him too much, I guess. I'm trying to avoid exposing people to stuff they know I'm in love with - I made an exception for Instrumedley because it was new to me... and really, just delicious.

No traffic yet, but the day will come... I hope.

Post-Edit: Oh yeah, I forgot to mention! Enter Shikari is one of only two unsigned bands to sell out a concert at The London Astoria. The other was The Darkness. Between the two, I think it's easy to determine which is the better band. I hope the former sees it fit to release a full length album some time. If any of my musical projects ever get off the ground (God willing), I would love to play the Astoria... along with the Croation Cultural Center in Vancouver (What? I know), and Tokyo! Metal bands in Tokyo rule! For references, check out the albums Tokyo Warhearts by Children of Bodom (one of my favorite albums of all time), and Burning Japan by Arch Enemy. More to come if I find them. Interesting note - both the lead singers address the crowd in the same way. What's up with that?

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